Who We Are

About Us

Saint Paul's Episcopal Church is rooted in the history of both our faith tradition and presence in the community since 1863. We aspire to be a loving body of believers that emphasizes Holy Sacraments, spiritual formation, and lifelong community. While some of us have been Episcopalians for all of our lives, others found the Episcopal Church only recently. As a congregation, we are a diverse and welcoming group of curious individuals seeking to better understand God's plans for us. We worship together, learn together, and grow together in meaningful community. Our hope is to be a place where anyone can experience a renewed, reconciled and loving relationship with Jesus Christ.

Our Vision

Live Faithfully.

About Our Vision

To live faithfully entails focusing our energies on what is important. We seek to live like Christ, embodying his love and goodness. In an effort to live faithful, meaningful lives, we focus on the divine and seek to cast aside worldly distractions.

About Our Mission

We are a unified body of individuals coming together to honor the sacraments and experience spiritual formation. We believe that when we partake in the Holy Sacraments collectively and pursue spiritual formation as a group, we step into meaningful, lifelong community.

Our Mission

To be a body that emphasizes Holy Sacraments, spiritual formation, and lifelong community.

Our Values

At Saint Paul's, we help parishioners live faithfully through holy sacraments, spiritual formation, and lifelong community.

Support Others

We value lifting others up the way Jesus Christ did. Internally, our “cradle to grave” mentality means our community comes together to support individuals of all ages and stages. Our proximity to downtown provides the opportunity to serve individuals externally. We seek to make an impact that would be missed if we were gone.

Preserve History

At Saint Paul’s, we seek to join the past and present through time-honored practices that connect us to our history. We see our past as something that has meaningfully shaped us and informs our present. Our longevity is deeply important to us.

Stay Curious

We strive to maintain a curious spirit, which is rooted in the realization that we always have more to learn. We hold an open posture that is eager to grow and willing to be wrong. We believe that failure is just a learning opportunity and value lifelong learning over being right.

Be Hospitable

We aspire to welcome all into our space. For those looking for a liturgical environment, we hope you find a home here. For those new to a liturgical setting, we hope to create an atmosphere that is welcoming and easy to navigate. We wish to provide both the resources and the connections necessary to participate fully in the life of our church.

Have Reverence

We honor and revere Jesus and our faith tradition through liturgy, music, and the celebration of beauty as a movement toward wonder. With reverence at our center, we accompany our wonder and worship with joy. We value and experience levity and laughter together. We believe wholeheartedly in joyful reverence and holiness without guilt.


The Episcopal Diocese of Texas

The Episcopal Church

The Anglican Communion

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